If fleas have your cat scratching, Advantage will solve the problem quickly and easily. It's a rip at that price. Advantage II Flea Control Large Cat (for Cats over 9 lbs.) Please note: this review should be under advocate purple for large cats not advantage purple for large cats. Reduced number of fleas but had to buy another product in two weeks. 't moved all day. Some people have reported side effects from having contact with Advantage. Was working fine until one month there was a bald patch and burn like mark. The most recent time though left a burn type sore and bald patch on one cats back where it was applied. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › NCBI › Literature › PubMed Central (PMC) Each application of waterproof Advantage II keeps your cat free of fleas for a full month. Obviously doesn't stop reinfestation from pet's environment (and yes we threw out everything before application). See the Best Tick & Flea Control Products in 2021 as rated by Australians on ProductReview.com.au. Still found large adult fleas after 2-3 days of using drops. Advantage II stops biting fleas in less than 5 minutes, over 99 percent of flea larvae within 20 minutes, at least 98 percent of fleas within 12 hours, and 100 percent of chewing lice in just 1 week. Loss of apetite, increase in thirst, vomiting, diarrhoea or drooling - Remember to apply Advantage as directed, out of reach of your pet’s mouth. Oh yeah and she has had advantage before but that was about 1 year ago she just started getting fleas again. But the pack I started last week burnt my cat, she has a round sore on the back of her neck, and where the liquid has run down it has taken all her fur off. These do not influence our content moderation policies in any way, though ProductReview.com.au may earn commissions for products/services purchased via affiliate links. I have used this product on two cats and a dog for about 2 years with good results and no bad reaction apart from the fumes making the cats blink. Symptoms of Advantage flea treatment allergy in cats include: Drooling; Vomiting; Diarrhea; Irritation of the skin; Shaking of the head; Seizures; Loss of appetite; Lethargy; Difficulty breathing; Itching; Biting at the skin; Types Never found the reason and afraid to use again. My cat died this morning after giving her Advantage 2 , she was getting it every month for the last 6mos.But this time she started screaming and running around, then I found her sitting in her litter box, I put her in her bed and she dead this morning, their was stuff that came out of ear and her mouth, I can not tell what it was but their was alot. Cat stopped eating and drinking and ran a small fever as well as weakness and lethargy and spent 4 days at vets hospital weak unable to walk or stand much. Side Effects of Advantage. I was more than skeptical about products like this, tried it on her (Cat) and was amazed, No more Fleas, so easy to use and didn't notice any side effects from her at all, money well spent. Other side effects can include loss of appetite, itching, biting or chewing at the application site, rash at the application site and lethargy. I have used this product on two cats and a dog for about 2 years with good results and no bad reaction apart from the fumes making the cats blink. Oh, also, only one of my six cats goes outside at all and that only for very short periods of time, but that is all it took for one cat to get fleas and for them to spread to the other five. It either kills fleas or it doesn't, and doesn't depend on the C... Read more, Gave this another shot. DON'T LET YOUR CAT LICK IT! - 2 Month. He was well enough to come home after 30 hours. I feel she still got somemed in her system but not enough to hurt her but I might be wrong. What are the side effects of Advantage II for Cats? 7 August 2020 at 2:12pm Advantage. I did write to the company via their website but as yet they have not replied. Summary of Reviews for Advantage 40 Spot On Flea Control Cats, Small Dogs and Rabbits. Will be switching to pills instead. As for all the negative reviews IT IS POISONOUS! Used frontline for weeks to clear up a bad flea infestation which got worse dad by day. Yep .. same result .. fleas back in a few days.To be (a little) fair .. the area where I put it on back of neck -1st time, between shoulder blades - 2nd time .. was very wet ... Read more, Used other products but my oh my this Advantage works so quick . Advantage II Flea Control Large Cat (for Cats Over 9 lbs.) Did I do the right thing? For Cats and Kittens 8 weeks & older. I want to give my little darling some relief from being bitten constantly by fleas which seems to be affecting her appetite and she has lost weight .. which I believe can be a result of being infested with fleas. Advantage is so gentle that it can be used even on eight-week-old kittens. The most recent time though left a burn type sore and bald patch on one cats back where it was applied. There are 4 pipettes in each pack. Flea bites can cause discomfort for your pet, lead to skin infections and allergic skin reactions causing irritation, and can even transmit other disease-causing organisms. This combination plays a crucial role in treating and preventing infestations, because: It worked for two weeks but then I had to buy Comfortis. Monitor your cat after application, Side effects, although very rare, may include signs of skin irritation such as redness, scratching, or other signs of discomfort. Get it as soon as Tue, Jan 12. The next morning, he gingerly moved from the chair and jumped down, landing with a thud and was unsteady. Learn more about Advantage II for cats kills fleas. Plus, it kills fleas through contact, which means fleas don't have to bite your pet to die. Com Advantage Ii 6 Dose Large Cat Flea Prevention For Cats Over 9 Pounds Pet Drops Supplies Advantage II stops biting fleas in less than 5 minutes, over 99 percent of flea larvae within 20 minutes, at least 98 percent of fleas within 12 hours, and 100 percent of chewing lice in just 1 week. Advantage works on contact, no biting required. Advantage II for cats kills fleas at all life stages, preventing fleas on treated pets from infesting your home and offers complete flea protection for your cat. Advantage ® II for cats combines two active ingredients: Imidacloprid attacks the flea’s nervous system — paralyzing and ultimately killing it. It contains natural remedies for many pet conditions and has many suggestions for flea control with no side effects. As cat parents, we all want to take care of this itchy, irritating infestation as soon as possible. My house was not infected, just noticed some flea dirt. When you find the article helpful, feel free to share it with your friends or colleagues. If this is the case, why didn't it kill the fleas that hatched a week or 2 or 3 later .. or the fleas that jumped on my Cat a week or 2 later. General disclaimer: All third party trademarks, images and copyrights on this page are used for the purpose of comparative advertising, criticism or review. Some pet owners have reported numbness after having contact with Advantage. It stopped the scratching for a week then she started scratching again. 4.5 out of 5 stars 1,247. JAVASCRIPT IS DISABLED. There was no definitive diagnosis. Advantage kills fleas, breaking the life cycle and killing adults before they can lay eggs. I'm very happy that not only does this stuff work, but it works very well. Potential side effects of Advantage MULTI for CATS: Hair may become damp, matted, oily, or stiff after application; skin may appear pink or have a slight powdery residue; medicinal odor. Each application of waterproof Advantage II keeps your cat free of fleas for a full month. Seems the fleas have built up an immunity to it though which I expected would happen after awhile. Now looking for another product with no side effects. i also think she has allergy's to flea bites! But they don't have to be. He ate lightly that night and took a notably longer time to urinate. Frontline side effects are adverse reactions associated with wrongful administration and overdose in pets. I dry-wiped as much as possible immediately, Bayer Advantage for Cats Purple (Large Cats), Bayer Advantage for Cats Orange (Small Cats). I dry-wiped as much as possible immediatelyuntil most of the wet substance was almost gone. He was subdued again but the next day he was not normal. Your trust is our top concern. According to the Extension Toxicology Network, in addition to irritating the skin and eyes, other symptoms can include "fatigue, twitching, cramps and muscle weakness, including the muscles necessary for breathing." Precautions with Advantage Rid your home of pesky fleas with Advantage II, a fast-working, month-long flea control for your pet. Didn't affect my fur baby at all, he doesn't like the smell though as it is quite strong. I understand that initially it kills the adult fleas and takes longer to kill the eggs that hatch .. but isn't the treatment supposed to last 1 month. He is an outdoor cat, but didn't move from his overnight position. Hello, we provide concise yet detailed articles on "Cat Choices: Advantage For Cats Side Effects" topic. Pyriproxyfen is an insect growth regulator (IGR) that kills flea eggs and larvae. This is great for my cat enjoy giving it to my cat my cat loves this product would not say a bad thing about this cat product. I feel relived and stress free . Register now and take advantage of ProductReview's Brand Management Platform! Kills fleas, eggs and larvae. Changed to advantage and fleas are gone. Advantage 2 begins working in 12 hours to kill biting fleas on … $49.98 $ 49. Advantage ® Treatment Spray for Cats kills and repels fleas, ticks and lice. If enough is ingested, it can cause stomach upsets and loss of appetite. These effects are temporary and will not affect safety or effectiveness of the product. That ensures the maximum benefits. Fleas can be a real irritation, for you and your cat. This is the reason why side effects and toxicity effects are very uncommon in animals given Imidacloprid-containing Advantage flea control medication. - 2 Month He was given antibiotics. Now looking for another product with no side effects. It got great reviews but it's excelled. Unfortunately where she had been shaking her head on our timber floors it has taken the varnish off our floors! Bayer's Advantage® II flea treatment for cats contains unlisted inert ingredients that may cause permanent neurological damage to your cat or dog (vetinfo).Advantage® II for cats contains an active ingredient which acts on the nervous. Write a review on ProductReview.com.au! Just like frontline, this product no longer works. Couldn't recommend this product enough. Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Within a day he'd stopped trying to scratch and lick his skin off, and in a week or so I noticed the areas of skin he'd chewed raw had healed and the fur start to grow back. It's strange how this product gets 5 stars and works like a charm, yet for others it doesn't work .. or for a brief time as in my case. The information here is sourced well and enriched with great visual photo and video illustrations. Works alright but fleas work up an immunity after awhile. Had panting for hours reaction to a related drug Capstar, I purchased a single dose for my 5kg Cat. This actually worked really well for my cat up until a couple of months ago. It still works fine and I'm happy to pay a bit more for the peace of mind that the fleas are kept off him and he no longer suffers with irritation. I had high hopes. Job done. I used advantage after using another product that didn't do a thing....fleas were dead within hours and I have happy kitties Thank you!! These fless showed no signs of slowing or dying and it was only 2-3 days after applying. Chewy Get help from our experts 24/7 1-800-672-4399 Chat Live Contact Us Track Order FAQs Shipping Info Start here Account Orders Manage Autoship My Pets Favorites Profile Prescriptions Sign out Cart not sure if i can say this but buy it online, a lot cheaper than in stores, way cheaper. 98. © 2021 ProductReview.com.au Pty. First time I have used this product on my cat. Buy Advantage II Flea Treatment for Kittens 2-5 lbs, 2 treatments at Chewy.com. The blood test showed non specific systemic inflammation. If your cat licks any of the product or has an adverse reaction to the skin, he will exhibit the following symptoms. Felines are often susceptible to flea and tick infections. Spot-on flea and tick treatments are understandably popular among cat parents. The active ingredients inhibit development of immature flea stages (preadult fleas and flea eggs) as well, which prevents them from growing into adult fleas that are capable of biting. Gave this another shot. Tried this product to rid us of flea infestation to no avail. Killing fleas quickly is important, as it prevents them from laying eggs and helps reduce the risk of secondary problems, such as flea allergy dermatitis and tapeworms. After this ORDEAL, I bathed my cat, who had licked all her Revolution off, in order to drown the fleas. He was admitted immediately, put on a drip, given antibiotics and had blood tests. Have others found it doesn't kill fleas for a whole month? Read our Frequently Asked Questions page about Advantage II for Cats, Kills through contact - fleas dont have to bite to die, Kills fleas within 12 hours of application, Kills all flea life stages including flea eggs and larvae to prevent infestation, Treats, prevents, and controls lice infestations (dogs only), Waterproof - remains effective even if pet gets wet (use of a soap-free shampoo is recommended). I got my cat Advantage(flea medication) i just wanted to make sure it was a safe product before i put it on my cat? It was raining and cold so I only became concerned when I returned and suspected he hadn...Read more. Each time he was subdued after application but was behaving normally by morning. Have you ever use this before? As I'm on a pension, I won't b, Burned my cat and left a spot with no fur, Worked for 1 week then my Cat started scratching again. Reason: 1) it worked 2) my cat did not suffer 3) it was free. I live in a unit and two of my neighbors use this also. However, since we started having a flea problem with my dogs and the cats started itching, we decided to just use one application of Advantage on them to be safe. FLEA TREATMENT stopped working about a week after ..As I'm on a pension ..I won't be using this product again. I've kept him on Advantage purple for 4 or 5 years now. It was a much better solution than toxic poisonous pharmaceuticals. Advantage Ii Large Cat Side Effects. Reaction to Moxidetrin. I write this as a warning and because I feel that more information is needed on the safely of this product. which means it can accumulate. I was disappointed that I had to spend another $50. Similar opinion? However, in the rush to treat the fleas, it’s important to remember how serious many side-effects from these traditional cat flea treatments can be. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Further details in the disclaimer. I have used the product for many months. Overall: Effectiveness: Ease Of Use: Value For Money: Absence Of Side Effects: 198 out of 202 (98 %) customers would recommend this product. I would then need to apply it again rather than having h... er keep scratching for another 3 weeks before applying another dose. I would then need to apply it again rather than having h...Read more, It's strange how this product gets 5 stars and works like a charm, yet for others it doesn't work .. or for a brief time as in my case. This is a public forum presenting user opinions on selected products and businesses, and as such the views expressed do not reflect the opinion of ProductReview.com.au. Don't know why I'm being generous by giving this dud 2 stars. My research suggests that it is possible that the moxidectin may be responsible, based solely on the fact that it is well distributed to all tissues and has a long half life (days to weeks) see: .. so my little darling didn't help herself by licking it off .. did she? Flea collar by seresto was only product to work. If this is the case, why didn't it kill the fleas that hatched a week or 2 or 3 later .. or the fleas that jumped on my Cat a week or 2 later. Cats may experience hypersalivation, tremors, vomiting and decreased appetite if Advantage Multi for Cats is inadvertently administered orally or through grooming/licking of the application site. ProductReview.com.au has affiliate partnerships. I'm thinking this treatment wears off after a week .. and if she starts scratching .. Stuffit .. changed to 1 star. To be safe I won't use this again. It ended up becoming infected so we took him to the vet. Thank you, Advantage II. It either kills fleas or it doesn't, and doesn't depend on the C... at it happens to be applied to. Advantage is beneficial for both kittens and puppies. This protection lasts for 30 days before re … • il y a 2 ans The safety of Advantage Multi for Cats has not been established in … 5 stars (164 reviews) 4 stars (31 reviews) 3 stars (4 reviews) 2 stars (2 reviews) 1 stars (1 reviews) I have two indoor cats and I never use flea/tick medicine for them since they do not go outside. Will try flea collar as comfortis tablets are too big and the whole process is too difficult and protracted getting him to swallow the tablet. I've kept him on Advantage purple for 4 or 5 years now. FREE Shipping by Amazon. After Frontline stopped working on my allergic to flea bites cat, I tried a couple of the other spot-ons before Advantage. 4ml of imidacloprid 100g/L liquid. I've just ordered another single dose to give it another try .. and although I expect it to only last a week like last time .. Fluctuations in behavior, such as irritation, unrestrained grooming, concealing oneself from social spaces, irregular pacing, thirst, and coughing, may occur. I understand that initially it kills the adult fleas and takes longer to kill the eggs that hatch .. but isn't the treatment supposed to last 1 month. Advantage II Flea Treatment – Neurological Side Effect – PoC. Please note: this review should be under advocate purple for large cats not advantage purple for large cats.I'd been faithfully using this product each month since adopting our healthy 3yr old cat. Frontline is a medication used to prevent and control parasite infections in cats. Advantage ii 6 dose large cat flea advantage ii cat kitten flea drops advantage ii for cats veterinary advantage ii dogs cats low at. $26.98 $ 26. Advantage Multi For Cats | Supervalu Inc • do not exceed the maximum recommended daily dose in a 24 hour period • shake well before use • dose may be taken once a day preferably at bedtime, in divided doses, or as directed by a doctor • drink a full glass (8 oz) of liquid with each dose • for accurate dosing, use dose cup provided • mL = milliliter; TBSP = Tablespoon In rare cases, ingestion of Advantage in dogs may cause adverse reactions including depression, dilated pupils, salivation, incoordination, panting and generalized muscle tremors. Will definitely go back to using it soon, hopefully by then it will work against our fleas again. It also kills any that jump onto your cat so no need to do your house with other products just give it a few days . I put the stuff on the back of his head, just above where it meets the neck, as I found he managed to lick too much off if I put it between the shoulder blades. Can I use the small cat doseon a 4.8 pound cat? After putting the application on, i started to see fleas on surfaces, but not quite dead. Gastrointestinal signs such as hypersalivation, vomiting or diarrhea have also been reported. I was hoping he would perk up, but instead he stopped washing himself and showed an actual aversion to drinking water. An increase in thirst is also one of the symptoms of an adverse reaction to Advantage flea treatment. The side effects of Advantage for cats that are most common include small amounts of hair loss, skin irritation and heavy salivation. Yep .. same result .. fleas back in a few days. Advantage 2 Large Cat Side Effects. The product has a bitter taste that should discourage licking and ingestion. Bayer advantage ii for large cats over 9 lbs 6 pack com bayer advantage ii for large cats over 9 lbs 6 pack pet flea drops supplies advantage flea medication allergy in cats image is loading bayer advantage ii flea control treatment for cats. I don't get why the treatment wore off so quickly. Amazing after only 8 hours from application, Used other products but my oh my this Advantage works so quick . I purchased a single dose for my 5kg Cat. Advantage II is a monthly flea preventative for dogs and cats that offers comprehensive flea protection by killing adult fleas, larvae, and eggs. The last application was the scheduled 8th in 8 months. Flea treatment with Advantage II gives your cat a safe solution that only needs to be applied once a month. 5 stars plus it deserves. Toxicology of Avermectins and Milbemycins (Macrocylic Lactones ... ps. I took him to the vet who noted a fever of 40 degrees, abdominal tenderness that suggested pancreatitis and dehydration. I feel relived and stress free . Dangerous product - my cat became very sick - needed to be hospitalised, Left burn mark, bald patch and then infection. She has not shown signs of any fleas after using it a month ago. 4.5 out of 5 stars 379. 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